Just Launched $25 per Ref 2×14 Forced! Great Compensation Plan Pay!

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Great company! Looks like things are rockin’ for you!

Just Launched 2×14 Forced Matrix so loads of Spillover

Get in our Team Fast to get the most Spillover!

Low cost upgrade monthly or direct for 12 Months in ones!

Total 5 Ways to earn Cash.

$25 per Referral you make!


Our business is launching now and by itself, it offers great tools that some of the top marketers use to build their primary businesses so it is well worth it but there are two reasons to want to come on board now:
This is day 1 of this business. Joining it now puts you in before this gets out to the rest of the internet and with the 2×14 structure and payplan that includes a lot of bonuses and as you know positioning can be a huge advantage, but how about this? One of the top recruiters in the business will help you and me get personal enrollments.

My upline and partner Derek Bohlken can enroll hundreds of people into a business opportunity and he has yet to do that in this case.
If you enroll with me and become part of my core team, you will have a spot on a limited rotator that he will use for all of his personal enrollments in the future.
Spillover is great but it is nothing compared to getting the bonus money and business growth from personal enrollments.

It’s not that you won’t be given direction that will enable you to get your own personal enrollments and bonus money, but you are going to get very real, very direct support.

All you have to do is go to the website : Take the tour and upgrade and I will tell you how to get added to that rotator, we will get you instructions on how to build it, and we will be there to assist you in learning how to use this early positioning as a catalyst for creating a life changing income.

Let me know if you have questions but I recommend enrolling now and we will get you started. We don’t mess around and we aren’t clueless. If you want to do this, you will be in the perfect position to do it.

Sebas Broekhof

Written by bestblog

July 22nd, 2011 at 9:24 pm

Posted in Other Programs

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